O`Reilly 的 《 Architecting Data Lakes Data Management Architectures for Advanced Business Use Cases 》,全面介绍了数据湖的构架、工作机理、构建与管理、规划、价值、展望等诸多方面的内容。


1. Overview

    What Is a Data Lake? 

    Data Management and Governance in the Data Lake

    How to Deploy a Data Lake Management Platform 

2. How Data Lakes Work

    Four Basic Functions of a Data Lake 

    Management and Monitoring 

3. Challenges and Complications

    Challenges of Building a Data Lake 

    Challenges of Managing the Data Lake 

    Deriving Value from the Data Lake 

4. Curating the Data Lake

    Data Governance 

    Data Acquisition 

    Data Organization 

    Capturing Metadata 

    Data Preparation 

    Data Provisioning 

    Benefits of an Automated Approach 

5. Deriving Value from the Data Lake


    Controlling and Allowing Access

    Using a Bottom-Up Approach to Data Governance to Rank Data Sets 

    Data Lakes in Different Industries 

6. Looking Ahead

    Ground-to-Cloud Deployment Options 

    Looking Beyond Hadoop: Logical Data Lakes 

    Federated Queries 

    Data Discovery Portals 

    In Conclusion 

    A Checklist for Success


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